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The sound of Isolation | Poetry

As the rain fell the people ran for cover. Not many had taken umbrellas. The morning started quite bright. When the cloud rolled in peoples moods began to change. this was only a day Where few were out. Some rejoiced as the rain heavied, others went deeper, quite often looking like they were in a sad mood.

This was the darkest time they had known. Stress levels soared. People looking at others with looks of disgust, this the driving force of many more people suffering deeper emotion even depression. Their world was no longer an accommodating accepting place.

Curfews were put in place for the pandemic that hit. In these current years it spread quicker than any influenza. Even quicker in the cold weather. Deaths occurred each day at an alarming rate. The Virus was named Corona also known as Covid-19. It tore through communities of the world.

Devastation at Ground was upon the world. This was a menacing virus.

Supermarkets were stocked. Limits on items were being imposed. People were paranoid. If they had ever imagined there would be incident like what the virus had already caused it was upon them now.

Photo by: Dan

Working from home had become the norm. Home schooling too. Streets empty; transport services, empty; Essential travel and work along with school & exercise under restriction. People were seemingly patient, though not so. Avoiding each other in the street. Mandatory face masks when outside. These aspects in the current moment was driving people insane.

Mandatory isolation for those sick awaiting tests to this horrifying virus, with those lucky enough to travel going through the same. The message was clear. Stay home. Stay safe. Stressing the point be kind to one another, we will get through this, I know that sounds cliché.

Please do not judge or turn against each other. Socially we are stretched and coming to a point of more than social distancing. Do not be a part of tearing society apart. Society can rebuild within the considerations of everyone. This includes your consideration and actions. Please exercise common sense, be safe.

We have an opportunity to make the best of a terrifying situation. Together.


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