About the stone:
Tektite is a rare stone, as it is a meteorite (it has hit the earth) rather than burning up in the atmosphere (as a meteor does).
Using Tektite encourages spiritual growth through absorption and retention of higher knowledge.
Tektite takes you deep to the heart of the matter, promoting insight and true cause for action needed.
Tektite balances male and female energies within your personality.
In Healing: reduces fever, aids in blood circulation and prevents transmission of diseases.

Colour/appearance: Dark Brown to Black, appearing glassy and deeply translucent
Associated Chakra: Tektite has an extra-terrestrial origin, said to enhance communication with other worlds; good for telepathy and clairvoyance. Use with your third eye helping to communicate with other dimensions.
Affirmation: “I am balanced within my personality, I remain neutral through all dimensions”
Love, Light & Peace to all.
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