This month's peer that I would like to introduce you to is my very good friend, Claudia.
Her full name is Claudia Fernanda Friedrichs. She is Colombian, and 47 years young - just turned, and doesn't look it!
Claudia has been with AmeCare since 2018. She is a 'live wire' with a passionate drive and a very caring lady - a 'pocket rocket' with a lot of energy!
Claudia has 2 step-sons (her husband, Michael's children) who are studying at uni in Germany, that she loves and they call her 'mum'. Michael build her a new home which she says is beautiful.
Well, Claudia is full of surprises. She is a qualified speech therapist back in Columbia, she did 1.5 years as an OT then swapped fields to speech.

Some fun facts about Claudia:
Birthday: November 5th
Star sign: Scorpio
Barracks for: Footscray (Western Bulldogs) in the AFL
Music/artist: salsa or Latin music, Celia Cruz or Leonard Cohen
Colour: red, like her passion! (her words)
Holiday/place to travel to: Germany
Food: Colombian soup "sancocho"
Least favourite food: nuts, because she is allergic to them and has to carry an EpiPen at all times
Restaurant: Golf Course Resort in Wallan, The Grove Hidden Valley
Movie/TV Show: The Notebook, The Block (she is a "blockhead" haha!)
Something people would not know about Claudia...
She is a very good swimmer, hairdresser, cook, and dancer!
Claudia has been my secret hairdresser and she has made me Colombian scrambled eggs (when I was unwell) which were very good! Claudia's husband, Michael, loves her scrambled eggs as well - very yummy!
Best memory of AmeCare...
Claudia says she has so many great memories, and "my life has become more positive since working with AmeCare, especially when people give me positive feedback".
Finally, Claudia also told me she is an 'early bird' and, when she can, goes to bed at 8.30 PM switches off her phone as she hates distractions (even things ticking or dripping).
Oh, and she would love to get a pet parrot and teach it to speak Spanish!
We love having you as part of our AmeCare community, Claudia!